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A perpetual Jewish Calendar API

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Hebcal is a perpetual Jewish Calendar. This library converts between Hebrew and Gregorian dates, and generates lists of Jewish holidays for any year (past, present or future). Shabbat and holiday candle lighting and havdalah times are approximated based on location. Torah readings (Parashat HaShavua), Daf Yomi, and counting of the Omer can also be specified. Hebcal also includes algorithms to calculate yahrzeits, birthdays and anniversaries.

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Hebcal was created in 1994 by Danny Sadinoff as a Unix/Linux program written in C, inspired by similar functionality written in Emacs Lisp. The initial JavaScript port was released in 2014 by Eyal Schachter (age 15). This ECMAScript 2015 implementation was released in 2020 by Michael J. Radwin. @hebcal/core targets both browser-based JavaScript and server-side Node.js.

Many users of this library will utilize the HebrewCalendar and HDate interfaces.


$ npm install @hebcal/core


import {HebrewCalendar, HDate, Location, Event} from '@hebcal/core';

const options = {
  year: 1981,
  isHebrewYear: false,
  candlelighting: true,
  location: Location.lookup('San Francisco'),
  sedrot: true,
  omer: true,
const events = HebrewCalendar.calendar(options);

for (const ev of events) {
  const hd = ev.getDate();
  const date = hd.greg();
  console.log(date.toLocaleDateString(), ev.render('en'), hd.toString());



A locale in Hebcal is used for translations/transliterations of holidays. @hebcal/core supports four locales by default

  • en - default, Sephardic transliterations (e.g. "Shabbat")
  • ashkenazi - Ashkenazi transliterations (e.g. "Shabbos")
  • he - Hebrew (e.g. "שַׁבָּת")
  • he-x-NoNikud - Hebrew without nikud (e.g. "שבת")

Represents a Hebrew date


Represents an Event with a title, date, and flags


Daily Hebrew date ("11th of Sivan, 5780")


Class representing halachic times


Class representing Location


An event that has an eventTime and eventTimeStr


Havdalah after Shabbat or holiday


Candle lighting before Shabbat or holiday


Represents a molad, the moment when the new moon is "born"


Represents a Molad announcement on Shabbat Mevarchim


Represents a day 1-49 of counting the Omer from Pesach to Shavuot


Returns the Daf Yomi for given date


Event wrapper around a DafYomi instance


Represents Parashah HaShavua for an entire Hebrew year


Represents one of 54 weekly Torah portions, always on a Saturday


Represents a built-in holiday like Pesach, Purim or Tu BiShvat


Represents Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of a new month


Because Asara B'Tevet often occurs twice in the same Gregorian year, we subclass HolidayEvent to override the url() method.


Represents Mevarchim haChodesh, the announcement of the new month


A program of daily learning in which participants study two Mishnahs each day in order to finish the entire Mishnah in ~6 years.


Event wrapper around a Mishna Yomi instance


A daily regimen of learning the books of Nevi'im (Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings).


Event wrapper around a Nach Yomi instance


Event wrapper around a Yerushalmi Yomi result


HebrewCalendar is the main interface to the @hebcal/core library. This namespace is used to calculate holidays, rosh chodesh, candle lighting & havdalah times, Parashat HaShavua, Daf Yomi, days of the omer, and the molad. Event names can be rendered in several languges using the locale option.



Gregorian date helper functions.

parshiot : Array.<string>

The 54 parshiyot of the Torah as transilterated strings parshiot[0] == 'Bereshit', parshiot[1] == 'Noach', parshiot[53] == "Ha'Azinu".


Yerushalmi Yomi configuration for Vilna Edition


Yerushalmi Yomi configuration for Schottenstein Edition



Converts a numerical value to a string of Hebrew letters.

When specifying years of the Hebrew calendar in the present millennium, we omit the thousands (which is presently 5 [ה]).

yerushalmiYomi(date, config)any

Using the Vilna edition, the Yerushalmi Daf Yomi program takes ~4.25 years or 51 months. Unlike the Daf Yomi Bavli cycle, this Yerushalmi cycle skips both Yom Kippur and Tisha B'Av (returning null). The page numbers are according to the Vilna Edition which is used since 1900.

The Schottenstein edition uses different page numbers and takes ~6 years to complete.

Throws an exception if the date is before Daf Yomi Yerushalmi cycle began (2 February 1980 for Vilna, 14 November 2022 for Schottenstein).


ZmanimTimesResult : Object
SedraResult : Object

Result of Sedra.lookup

MishnaYomi : Object

Describes a mishna to be read

NachYomi : Object

Describes a chapter to be read

CalOptions : Object

Options to configure which events are returned

TachanunResult : Object


A locale in Hebcal is used for translations/transliterations of holidays. @hebcal/core supports four locales by default

  • en - default, Sephardic transliterations (e.g. "Shabbat")
  • ashkenazi - Ashkenazi transliterations (e.g. "Shabbos")
  • he - Hebrew (e.g. "שַׁבָּת")
  • he-x-NoNikud - Hebrew without nikud (e.g. "שבת")

Kind: global class

Locale.lookupTranslation(id, [locale]) ⇒ string

Returns translation only if locale offers a non-empty translation for id. Otherwise, returns undefined.

Kind: static method of Locale

idstringMessage ID to translate
[locale]stringOptional locale name (i.e: 'he', 'fr'). Defaults to active locale.

Locale.gettext(id, [locale]) ⇒ string

By default, if no translation was found, returns id.

Kind: static method of Locale

idstringMessage ID to translate
[locale]stringOptional locale name (i.e: 'he', 'fr'). Defaults to active locale.

Locale.addLocale(locale, data)

Register locale translations.

Kind: static method of Locale

localestringLocale name (i.e.: 'he', 'fr')
dataLocaleDateparsed data from a .po file.

Locale.useLocale(locale) ⇒ LocaleData

Activates a locale. Throws an error if the locale has not been previously added. After setting the locale to be used, all strings marked for translations will be represented by the corresponding translation in the specified locale.

Kind: static method of Locale

localestringLocale name (i.e: 'he', 'fr')

Locale.getLocaleName() ⇒ string

Returns the name of the active locale (i.e. 'he', 'ashkenazi', 'fr')

Kind: static method of Locale

Locale.getLocaleNames() ⇒ Array.<string>

Returns the names of registered locales

Kind: static method of Locale

Locale.ordinal(n, [locale]) ⇒ string

Kind: static method of Locale

[locale]stringOptional locale name (i.e: 'he', 'fr'). Defaults to active locale.

Locale.hebrewStripNikkud(str) ⇒ string

Removes nekudot from Hebrew string

Kind: static method of Locale



Represents a Hebrew date

Kind: global class

new HDate([day], [month], [year])

Create a Hebrew date. There are 3 basic forms for the HDate() constructor.

  1. No parameters - represents the current Hebrew date at time of instantiation
  2. One parameter
    • Date - represents the Hebrew date corresponding to the Gregorian date using local time. Hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds are ignored.
    • HDate - clones a copy of the given Hebrew date
    • number - Converts absolute R.D. days to Hebrew date. R.D. 1 == the imaginary date January 1, 1 (Gregorian)
  3. Three parameters: Hebrew day, Hebrew month, Hebrew year. Hebrew day should be a number between 1-30, Hebrew month can be a number or string, and Hebrew year is always a number.
[day]number | Date | HDateDay of month (1-30) if a number. If a Date is specified, represents the Hebrew date corresponding to the Gregorian date using local time. If an HDate is specified, clones a copy of the given Hebrew date.
[month]number | stringHebrew month of year (1=NISAN, 7=TISHREI)
[year]numberHebrew year


import {HDate, months} from '@hebcal/core';

const hd1 = new HDate();
const hd2 = new HDate(new Date(2008, 10, 13));
const hd3 = new HDate(15, 'Cheshvan', 5769);
const hd4 = new HDate(15, months.CHESHVAN, 5769);
const hd5 = new HDate(733359); // ==> 15 Cheshvan 5769
const monthName = 'אייר';
const hd6 = new HDate(5, monthName, 5773);

hDate.getFullYear() ⇒ number

Gets the Hebrew year of this Hebrew date

Kind: instance method of HDate

hDate.isLeapYear() ⇒ boolean

Tests if this date occurs during a leap year

Kind: instance method of HDate

hDate.getMonth() ⇒ number

Gets the Hebrew month (1=NISAN, 7=TISHREI) of this Hebrew date

Kind: instance method of HDate

hDate.getTishreiMonth() ⇒ number

The Tishrei-based month of the date. 1 is Tishrei, 7 is Nisan, 13 is Elul in a leap year

Kind: instance method of HDate

hDate.daysInMonth() ⇒ number

Number of days in the month of this Hebrew date

Kind: instance method of HDate

hDate.getDate() ⇒ number

Gets the day within the month (1-30)

Kind: instance method of HDate

hDate.getDay() ⇒ number

Gets the day of the week. 0=Sunday, 6=Saturday

Kind: instance method of HDate

hDate.greg() ⇒ Date

Converts to Gregorian date

Kind: instance method of HDate

hDate.abs() ⇒ number

Returns R.D. (Rata Die) fixed days. R.D. 1 == Monday, January 1, 1 (Gregorian) Note also that R.D. = Julian Date − 1,721,424.5

Kind: instance method of HDate

hDate.getMonthName() ⇒ string

Returns a transliterated Hebrew month name, e.g. 'Elul' or 'Cheshvan'.

Kind: instance method of HDate

hDate.render([locale], [showYear]) ⇒ string

Renders this Hebrew date as a translated or transliterated string, including ordinal e.g. '15th of Cheshvan, 5769'.

Kind: instance method of HDate

[locale]stringnullOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).
[showYear]booleantrueDisplay year (defaults to true).


import {HDate, months} from '@hebcal/core';

const hd = new HDate(15, months.CHESHVAN, 5769);
console.log(hd.render('en')); // '15th of Cheshvan, 5769'
console.log(hd.render('he')); // '15 חֶשְׁוָן, 5769'

hDate.renderGematriya([suppressNikud]) ⇒ string

Renders this Hebrew date in Hebrew gematriya, regardless of locale.

Kind: instance method of HDate



import {HDate, months} from '@hebcal/core';
const hd = new HDate(15, months.CHESHVAN, 5769);
console.log(hd.renderGematriya()); // 'ט״ו חֶשְׁוָן תשס״ט'

hDate.before(day) ⇒ HDate

Returns an HDate representing the a dayNumber before the current date. Sunday=0, Saturday=6

Kind: instance method of HDate

daynumberday of week


new HDate(new Date('Wednesday February 19, 2014')).before(6).greg() // Sat Feb 15 2014

hDate.onOrBefore(dow) ⇒ HDate

Returns an HDate representing the a dayNumber on or before the current date. Sunday=0, Saturday=6

Kind: instance method of HDate

downumberday of week


new HDate(new Date('Wednesday February 19, 2014')).onOrBefore(6).greg() // Sat Feb 15 2014
new HDate(new Date('Saturday February 22, 2014')).onOrBefore(6).greg() // Sat Feb 22 2014
new HDate(new Date('Sunday February 23, 2014')).onOrBefore(6).greg() // Sat Feb 22 2014

hDate.nearest(dow) ⇒ HDate

Returns an HDate representing the nearest dayNumber to the current date Sunday=0, Saturday=6

Kind: instance method of HDate

downumberday of week


new HDate(new Date('Wednesday February 19, 2014')).nearest(6).greg() // Sat Feb 22 2014
new HDate(new Date('Tuesday February 18, 2014')).nearest(6).greg() // Sat Feb 15 2014

hDate.onOrAfter(dow) ⇒ HDate

Returns an HDate representing the a dayNumber on or after the current date. Sunday=0, Saturday=6

Kind: instance method of HDate

downumberday of week


new HDate(new Date('Wednesday February 19, 2014')).onOrAfter(6).greg() // Sat Feb 22 2014
new HDate(new Date('Saturday February 22, 2014')).onOrAfter(6).greg() // Sat Feb 22 2014
new HDate(new Date('Sunday February 23, 2014')).onOrAfter(6).greg() // Sat Mar 01 2014

hDate.after(day) ⇒ HDate

Returns an HDate representing the a dayNumber after the current date. Sunday=0, Saturday=6

Kind: instance method of HDate

daynumberday of week


new HDate(new Date('Wednesday February 19, 2014')).after(6).greg() // Sat Feb 22 2014
new HDate(new Date('Saturday February 22, 2014')).after(6).greg() // Sat Mar 01 2014
new HDate(new Date('Sunday February 23, 2014')).after(6).greg() // Sat Mar 01 2014 ⇒ HDate

Returns the next Hebrew date

Kind: instance method of HDate

hDate.prev() ⇒ HDate

Returns the previous Hebrew date

Kind: instance method of HDate

hDate.add(number, [units]) ⇒ HDate

Returns a cloned HDate object with a specified amount of time added

Units are case insensitive, and support plural and short forms. Note, short forms are case sensitive.


Kind: instance method of HDate


hDate.subtract(number, [units]) ⇒ HDate

Returns a cloned HDate object with a specified amount of time subracted

Units are case insensitive, and support plural and short forms. Note, short forms are case sensitive.


Kind: instance method of HDate



import {HDate, months} from '@hebcal/core';

const hd1 = new HDate(15, months.CHESHVAN, 5769);
const hd2 = hd1.add(1, 'weeks'); // 7 Kislev 5769
const hd3 = hd1.add(-3, 'M'); // 30 Av 5768

hDate.deltaDays(other) ⇒ number

Returns the difference in days between the two given HDates.

The result is positive if this date is comes chronologically after the other date, and negative if the order of the two dates is reversed.

The result is zero if the two dates are identical.

Kind: instance method of HDate

otherHDateHebrew date to compare


import {HDate, months} from '@hebcal/core';

const hd1 = new HDate(25, months.KISLEV, 5770);
const hd2 = new HDate(15, months.CHESHVAN, 5769);
const days = hd1.deltaDays(hd2); // 394

hDate.isSameDate(other) ⇒ boolean

Compares this date to another date, returning true if the dates match.

Kind: instance method of HDate

otherHDateHebrew date to compare

hDate.toString() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of HDate

HDate.hebrew2abs(year, month, day) ⇒ number

Converts Hebrew date to R.D. (Rata Die) fixed days. R.D. 1 is the imaginary date Monday, January 1, 1 on the Gregorian Calendar.

Kind: static method of HDate

yearnumberHebrew year
monthnumberHebrew month
daynumberHebrew date (1-30)

HDate.isLeapYear(year) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if Hebrew year is a leap year

Kind: static method of HDate

yearnumberHebrew year

HDate.monthsInYear(year) ⇒ number

Number of months in this Hebrew year (either 12 or 13 depending on leap year)

Kind: static method of HDate

yearnumberHebrew year

HDate.daysInMonth(month, year) ⇒ number

Number of days in Hebrew month in a given year (29 or 30)

Kind: static method of HDate

monthnumberHebrew month (e.g. months.TISHREI)
yearnumberHebrew year

HDate.getMonthName(month, year) ⇒ string

Returns a transliterated string name of Hebrew month in year, for example 'Elul' or 'Cheshvan'.

Kind: static method of HDate

monthnumberHebrew month (e.g. months.TISHREI)
yearnumberHebrew year

HDate.monthNum(month) ⇒ number

Returns the Hebrew month number (NISAN=1, TISHREI=7)

Kind: static method of HDate

monthnumber | stringA number, or Hebrew month name string

HDate.daysInYear(year) ⇒ number

Number of days in the hebrew YEAR

Kind: static method of HDate

yearnumberHebrew year

HDate.longCheshvan(year) ⇒ boolean

true if Cheshvan is long in Hebrew year

Kind: static method of HDate

yearnumberHebrew year

HDate.shortKislev(year) ⇒ boolean

true if Kislev is short in Hebrew year

Kind: static method of HDate

yearnumberHebrew year

HDate.monthFromName(monthName) ⇒ number

Converts Hebrew month string name to numeric

Kind: static method of HDate


HDate.dayOnOrBefore(dayOfWeek, absdate) ⇒ number

Note: Applying this function to d+6 gives us the DAYNAME on or after an absolute day d. Similarly, applying it to d+3 gives the DAYNAME nearest to absolute date d, applying it to d-1 gives the DAYNAME previous to absolute date d, and applying it to d+7 gives the DAYNAME following absolute date d.

Kind: static method of HDate


HDate.isHDate(obj) ⇒ boolean

Tests if the object is an instance of HDate

Kind: static method of HDate



Represents an Event with a title, date, and flags

Kind: global class

new Event(date, desc, [mask], [attrs])

Constructs Event

dateHDateHebrew date event occurs
descstringDescription (not translated)
[mask]number0optional bitmask of holiday flags (see flags)
[attrs]Object{}optional additional attributes (e.g. eventTimeStr, cholHaMoedDay)

event.getDate() ⇒ HDate

Hebrew date of this event

Kind: instance method of Event

event.getDesc() ⇒ string

Untranslated description of this event

Kind: instance method of Event

event.getFlags() ⇒ number

Bitmask of optional event flags. See flags

Kind: instance method of Event

event.render([locale]) ⇒ string

Returns (translated) description of this event

Kind: instance method of Event

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).


const ev = new Event(new HDate(6, 'Sivan', 5749), 'Shavuot', flags.CHAG);
ev.render('en'); // 'Shavuot'
ev.render('he'); // 'שָׁבוּעוֹת'
ev.render('ashkenazi'); // 'Shavuos'

event.renderBrief([locale]) ⇒ string

Returns a brief (translated) description of this event. For most events, this is the same as render(). For some events, it procudes a shorter text (e.g. without a time or added description).

Kind: instance method of Event

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).

event.getEmoji() ⇒ string

Optional holiday-specific Emoji or null.

Kind: instance method of Event

event.basename() ⇒ string

Returns a simplified (untranslated) description for this event. For example, the HolidayEvent class supports "Erev Pesach" => "Pesach", and "Sukkot III (CH''M)" => "Sukkot". For many holidays the basename and the event description are the same.

Kind: instance method of Event

event.url() ⇒ string

Returns a URL to or for more detail on the event. Returns undefined for events with no detail page.

Kind: instance method of Event

event.observedInIsrael() ⇒ boolean

Is this event observed in Israel?

Kind: instance method of Event

const ev1 = new Event(new HDate(7, 'Sivan', 5749), 'Shavuot II', flags.CHAG | flags.CHUL_ONLY);
ev1.observedInIsrael(); // false
const ev2 = new Event(new HDate(26, 'Kislev', 5749), 'Chanukah: 3 Candles', 0);
ev2.observedInIsrael(); // true

event.observedInDiaspora() ⇒ boolean

Is this event observed in the Diaspora?

Kind: instance method of Event

const ev1 = new Event(new HDate(7, 'Sivan', 5749), 'Shavuot II', flags.CHAG | flags.CHUL_ONLY);
ev1.observedInDiaspora(); // true
const ev2 = new Event(new HDate(26, 'Kislev', 5749), 'Chanukah: 3 Candles', 0);
ev2.observedInDiaspora(); // true

event.observedIn(il) ⇒ boolean

Is this event observed in Israel/Diaspora?

Kind: instance method of Event



const ev1 = new Event(new HDate(7, 'Sivan', 5749), 'Shavuot II', flags.CHAG | flags.CHUL_ONLY);
ev1.observedIn(false); // true
ev1.observedIn(true); // false
const ev2 = new Event(new HDate(26, 'Kislev', 5749), 'Chanukah: 3 Candles', 0);
ev2.observedIn(false); // true
ev2.observedIn(true); // true

event.getAttrs() ⇒ Object


Kind: instance method of Event

event.clone() ⇒ Event

Makes a clone of this Event object

Kind: instance method of Event


Daily Hebrew date ("11th of Sivan, 5780")

Kind: global class

new HebrewDateEvent(date)


hebrewDateEvent.render([locale]) ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of HebrewDateEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).


import {HDate, HebrewDateEvent, months} from '@hebcal/core';

const hd = new HDate(15, months.CHESHVAN, 5769);
const ev = new HebrewDateEvent(hd);
console.log(ev.render('en')); // '15th of Cheshvan, 5769'
console.log(ev.render('he')); // 'ט״ו חֶשְׁוָן תשס״ט'

hebrewDateEvent.renderBrief([locale]) ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of HebrewDateEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).


import {HDate, HebrewDateEvent, months} from '@hebcal/core';

const hd = new HDate(15, months.CHESHVAN, 5769);
const ev = new HebrewDateEvent(hd);
console.log(ev.renderBrief()); // '15th of Cheshvan'
console.log(ev.renderBrief('he')); // 'ט״ו חֶשְׁוָן'

HebrewDateEvent.renderHebrew(day, monthName, fullYear) ⇒ string


Helper function to render a Hebrew date

Kind: static method of HebrewDateEvent



Class representing halachic times

Kind: global class

new Zmanim(date, latitude, longitude)

Initialize a Zmanim instance.

dateDate | HDateRegular or Hebrew Date. If date is a regular Date, hours, minutes, seconds and milliseconds are ignored.

zmanim.suntime() ⇒ ZmanimTimesResult


Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.sunrise() ⇒ Date

Upper edge of the Sun appears over the eastern horizon in the morning (0.833° above horizon)

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.sunset() ⇒ Date

When the upper edge of the Sun disappears below the horizon (0.833° below horizon)

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.dawn() ⇒ Date

Civil dawn; Sun is 6° below the horizon in the morning

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.dusk() ⇒ Date

Civil dusk; Sun is 6° below the horizon in the evening

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.hour() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.hourMins() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.gregEve() ⇒ Date

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.nightHour() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.nightHourMins() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.hourOffset(hours) ⇒ Date

Kind: instance method of Zmanim


zmanim.chatzot() ⇒ Date

Midday – Chatzot; Sunrise plus 6 halachic hours

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.chatzotNight() ⇒ Date

Midnight – Chatzot; Sunset plus 6 halachic hours

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.alotHaShachar() ⇒ Date

Dawn – Alot haShachar; Sun is 16.1° below the horizon in the morning

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.misheyakir() ⇒ Date

Earliest talis & tefillin – Misheyakir; Sun is 11.5° below the horizon in the morning

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.misheyakirMachmir() ⇒ Date

Earliest talis & tefillin – Misheyakir Machmir; Sun is 10.2° below the horizon in the morning

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.sofZmanShma() ⇒ Date

Latest Shema (Gra); Sunrise plus 3 halachic hours, according to the Gra

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.sofZmanTfilla() ⇒ Date

Latest Shacharit (Gra); Sunrise plus 4 halachic hours, according to the Gra

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.sofZmanShmaMGA() ⇒ Date

Latest Shema (MGA); Sunrise plus 3 halachic hours, according to Magen Avraham

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.sofZmanTfillaMGA() ⇒ Date

Latest Shacharit (MGA); Sunrise plus 4 halachic hours, according to Magen Avraham

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.minchaGedola() ⇒ Date

Earliest Mincha – Mincha Gedola; Sunrise plus 6.5 halachic hours

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.minchaKetana() ⇒ Date

Preferable earliest time to recite Minchah – Mincha Ketana; Sunrise plus 9.5 halachic hours

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.plagHaMincha() ⇒ Date

Plag haMincha; Sunrise plus 10.75 halachic hours

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.tzeit([angle]) ⇒ Date

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

[angle]number8.5optional time for solar depression. Default is 8.5 degrees for 3 small stars, use 7.083 degress for 3 medium-sized stars.

zmanim.neitzHaChama() ⇒ Date

Alias for sunrise

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.shkiah() ⇒ Date

Alias for sunset

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

zmanim.sunriseOffset(offset, roundMinute) ⇒ Date

Returns sunrise + offset minutes (either positive or negative).

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

roundMinutebooleantrueround time to nearest minute (default true)

zmanim.sunsetOffset(offset, roundMinute) ⇒ Date

Returns sunset + offset minutes (either positive or negative).

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

roundMinutebooleantrueround time to nearest minute (default true)

zmanim.sunsetOffsetTime(offset, timeFormat) ⇒ Array.<Object>


Returns an array with sunset + offset Date object, and a 24-hour string formatted time.

Kind: instance method of Zmanim


zmanim.tzeitTime(angle, timeFormat) ⇒ Array.<Object>


Returns an array with tzeit Date object and a 24-hour string formatted time.

Kind: instance method of Zmanim

anglenumberdegrees for solar depression. Default is 8.5 degrees for 3 small stars, use 7.083 degress for 3 medium-sized stars.

Zmanim.formatTime(dt, timeFormat) ⇒ string

Uses timeFormat to return a date like '20:34'

Kind: static method of Zmanim


Zmanim.roundTime(dt) ⇒ Date

Discards seconds, rounding to nearest minute.

Kind: static method of Zmanim


Zmanim.timeZoneOffset(tzid, date) ⇒ string

Get offset string (like "+05:00" or "-08:00") from tzid (like "Europe/Moscow")

Kind: static method of Zmanim


Zmanim.formatISOWithTimeZone(tzid, date) ⇒ string

Returns a string like "2022-04-01T13:06:00-11:00"

Kind: static method of Zmanim



Class representing Location

Kind: global class

new Location(latitude, longitude, il, tzid, cityName, countryCode, geoid)

Initialize a Location instance

latitudenumberLatitude as a decimal, valid range -90 thru +90 (e.g. 41.85003)
longitudenumberLongitude as a decimal, valid range -180 thru +180 (e.g. -87.65005)
ilbooleanin Israel (true) or Diaspora (false)
tzidstringOlson timezone ID, e.g. "America/Chicago"
cityNamestringoptional descriptive city name
countryCodestringISO 3166 alpha-2 country code (e.g. "FR")
geoidstringoptional string or numeric geographic ID

location.getLatitude() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Location

location.getLongitude() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Location

location.getIsrael() ⇒ boolean

Kind: instance method of Location

location.getName() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of Location

location.getShortName() ⇒ string

Returns the location name, up to the first comma

Kind: instance method of Location

location.getCountryCode() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of Location

location.getTzid() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of Location

location.getTimeFormatter() ⇒ Intl.DateTimeFormat

Gets a 24-hour time formatter (e.g. 07:41 or 20:03) for this location

Kind: instance method of Location

location.getGeoId() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of Location

location.sunset(hdate) ⇒ Date


Kind: instance method of Location

hdateDate | HDate

location.tzeit(hdate, [angle]) ⇒ Date


Kind: instance method of Location

hdateDate | HDate

location.toString() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of Location

Location.lookup(name) ⇒ Location

Creates a location object from one of 60 "classic" Hebcal city names. The following city names are supported: 'Ashdod', 'Atlanta', 'Austin', 'Baghdad', 'Beer Sheva', 'Berlin', 'Baltimore', 'Bogota', 'Boston', 'Budapest', 'Buenos Aires', 'Buffalo', 'Chicago', 'Cincinnati', 'Cleveland', 'Dallas', 'Denver', 'Detroit', 'Eilat', 'Gibraltar', 'Haifa', 'Hawaii', 'Helsinki', 'Houston', 'Jerusalem', 'Johannesburg', 'Kiev', 'La Paz', 'Livingston', 'Las Vegas', 'London', 'Los Angeles', 'Marseilles', 'Miami', 'Minneapolis', 'Melbourne', 'Mexico City', 'Montreal', 'Moscow', 'New York', 'Omaha', 'Ottawa', 'Panama City', 'Paris', 'Pawtucket', 'Petach Tikvah', 'Philadelphia', 'Phoenix', 'Pittsburgh', 'Providence', 'Portland', 'Saint Louis', 'Saint Petersburg', 'San Diego', 'San Francisco', 'Sao Paulo', 'Seattle', 'Sydney', 'Tel Aviv', 'Tiberias', 'Toronto', 'Vancouver', 'White Plains', 'Washington DC', 'Worcester'

Kind: static method of Location


Location.legacyTzToTzid(tz, dst) ⇒ string

Converts legacy Hebcal timezone to a standard Olson tzid.

Kind: static method of Location

tznumberinteger, GMT offset in hours
dststring'none', 'eu', 'usa', or 'israel'

Location.getUsaTzid(state, tz, dst) ⇒ string

Converts timezone info from to a standard Olson tzid.

Kind: static method of Location

statestringtwo-letter all-caps US state abbreviation like 'CA'
tznumberpositive number, 5=America/New_York, 8=America/Los_Angeles
dststringsingle char 'Y' or 'N'


Location.getUsaTzid('AZ', 7, 'Y') // 'America/Denver'

Location.geonameCityDescr(cityName, admin1, countryName) ⇒ string


Builds a city description from geonameid string components

Kind: static method of Location

cityNamestringe.g. 'Tel Aviv' or 'Chicago'
admin1stringe.g. 'England' or 'Massachusetts'
countryNamestringfull country name, e.g. 'Israel' or 'United States'

Location.addLocation(cityName, location) ⇒ boolean

Adds a location name for Location.lookup() only if the name isn't already being used. Returns false if the name is already taken and true if successfully added.

Kind: static method of Location



An event that has an eventTime and eventTimeStr

Kind: global class

new TimedEvent(date, desc, mask, eventTime, location, linkedEvent)

descstringDescription (not translated)

timedEvent.render([locale]) ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of TimedEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).

timedEvent.renderBrief([locale]) ⇒ string

Returns translation of "Candle lighting" without the time.

Kind: instance method of TimedEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).


Havdalah after Shabbat or holiday

Kind: global class

new HavdalahEvent(date, mask, eventTime, location, havdalahMins, linkedEvent)


havdalahEvent.render([locale]) ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of HavdalahEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).

havdalahEvent.renderBrief([locale]) ⇒ string

Returns translation of "Havdalah" without the time.

Kind: instance method of HavdalahEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).

havdalahEvent.getEmoji() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of HavdalahEvent


Candle lighting before Shabbat or holiday

Kind: global class

new CandleLightingEvent(date, mask, eventTime, location, linkedEvent)


candleLightingEvent.getEmoji() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of CandleLightingEvent


Represents a molad, the moment when the new moon is "born"

Kind: global class

new Molad(year, month)

Calculates the molad for a Hebrew month


molad.getYear() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Molad

molad.getMonth() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Molad

molad.getMonthName() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of Molad

molad.getDow() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Molad
Returns: number - Day of Week (0=Sunday, 6=Saturday)

molad.getHour() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Molad
Returns: number - hour of day (0-23)

molad.getMinutes() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Molad
Returns: number - minutes past hour (0-59)

molad.getChalakim() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Molad
Returns: number - parts of a minute (0-17)


Represents a Molad announcement on Shabbat Mevarchim

Kind: global class

new MoladEvent(date, hyear, hmonth)

dateHDateHebrew date event occurs
hyearnumbermolad year
hmonthnumbermolad month

moladEvent.render([locale]) ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of MoladEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).


Represents a day 1-49 of counting the Omer from Pesach to Shavuot

Kind: global class

new OmerEvent(date, omerDay)


omerEvent.sefira(lang) ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of OmerEvent


omerEvent.render([locale]) ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of OmerEvent

  • use gettext()
[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).

omerEvent.renderBrief([locale]) ⇒ string

Returns translation of "Omer day 22" without ordinal numbers.

Kind: instance method of OmerEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).

omerEvent.getEmoji() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of OmerEvent

omerEvent.getWeeks() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of OmerEvent

omerEvent.getDaysWithinWeeks() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of OmerEvent

omerEvent.getTodayIs(locale) ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of OmerEvent


omerEvent.url() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of OmerEvent


Returns the Daf Yomi for given date

Kind: global class

new DafYomi(date)

Initializes a daf yomi instance

dateDate | HDate | numberGregorian or Hebrew date

dafYomi.getBlatt() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of DafYomi

dafYomi.getName() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of DafYomi

dafYomi.render([locale]) ⇒ string

Formats (with translation) the dafyomi result as a string like "Pesachim 34"

Kind: instance method of DafYomi

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).


Event wrapper around a DafYomi instance

Kind: global class

new DafYomiEvent(date)


dafYomiEvent.render([locale]) ⇒ string

Returns Daf Yomi name including the 'Daf Yomi: ' prefix (e.g. "Daf Yomi: Pesachim 107").

Kind: instance method of DafYomiEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).

dafYomiEvent.renderBrief([locale]) ⇒ string

Returns Daf Yomi name without the 'Daf Yomi: ' prefix (e.g. "Pesachim 107").

Kind: instance method of DafYomiEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).

dafYomiEvent.url() ⇒ string

Returns a link to or

Kind: instance method of DafYomiEvent


Represents Parashah HaShavua for an entire Hebrew year

Kind: global class

new Sedra(hebYr, il)

Caculates the Parashah HaShavua for an entire Hebrew year

hebYrnumberHebrew year (e.g. 5749)
ilbooleanUse Israel sedra schedule (false for Diaspora)

sedra.get(hDate) ⇒ Array.<string>

Returns the parsha (or parshiyot) read on Hebrew date

Kind: instance method of Sedra

hDateHDate | numberHebrew date or R.D. days

sedra.getString(hDate, [locale]) ⇒ string

Looks up parsha for the date, then returns a translated or transliterated string

Kind: instance method of Sedra

hDateHDate | numberHebrew date or R.D. days
[locale]stringOptional locale name (i.e: 'he', 'fr'). Defaults to active locale

sedra.isParsha(hDate) ⇒ boolean

Checks to see if this day would be a regular parasha HaShavua Torah reading or special holiday reading

Kind: instance method of Sedra

hDateHDate | numberHebrew date or R.D. days

sedra.find(parsha) ⇒ HDate

Returns the date that a parsha occurs

Kind: instance method of Sedra

parshanumber | string | Array.<string>

sedra.getFirstSaturday() ⇒ number

R.D. date of the first Saturday on or after Rosh Hashana

Kind: instance method of Sedra

sedra.getYear() ⇒ number

Kind: instance method of Sedra

sedra.lookup(hDate) ⇒ SedraResult

Returns an object describing the parsha on the first Saturday on or after absdate

Kind: instance method of Sedra

hDateHDate | numberHebrew date or R.D. days


Represents one of 54 weekly Torah portions, always on a Saturday

Kind: global class

new ParshaEvent(date, parsha, il, num)

parshaArray.<string>untranslated name of single or double parsha, such as ['Bereshit'] or ['Achrei Mot', 'Kedoshim']
numnumber | Array.<number>

parshaEvent.render([locale]) ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of ParshaEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (i.e: 'he', 'fr'). Defaults to active locale.

parshaEvent.basename() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of ParshaEvent

parshaEvent.url() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of ParshaEvent

parshaEvent.urlDateSuffix() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of ParshaEvent


Represents a built-in holiday like Pesach, Purim or Tu BiShvat

Kind: global class

new HolidayEvent(date, desc, [mask], [attrs])

Constructs Holiday event

dateHDateHebrew date event occurs
descstringDescription (not translated)
[mask]number0optional holiday flags

holidayEvent.basename() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of HolidayEvent

holidayEvent.url() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of HolidayEvent

holidayEvent.urlDateSuffix() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of HolidayEvent

holidayEvent.getEmoji() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of HolidayEvent


Represents Rosh Chodesh, the beginning of a new month

Kind: global class

new RoshChodeshEvent(date, monthName)

Constructs Rosh Chodesh event

dateHDateHebrew date event occurs
monthNamestringHebrew month name (not translated)

roshChodeshEvent.render([locale]) ⇒ string

Returns (translated) description of this event

Kind: instance method of RoshChodeshEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).

roshChodeshEvent.basename() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of RoshChodeshEvent

roshChodeshEvent.getEmoji() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of RoshChodeshEvent


Because Asara B'Tevet often occurs twice in the same Gregorian year, we subclass HolidayEvent to override the url() method.

Kind: global class

new AsaraBTevetEvent(date, desc, [mask])

Constructs AsaraBTevetEvent

dateHDateHebrew date event occurs
descstringDescription (not translated)
[mask]number0optional holiday flags

asaraBTevetEvent.urlDateSuffix() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of AsaraBTevetEvent


Represents Mevarchim haChodesh, the announcement of the new month

Kind: global class

new MevarchimChodeshEvent(date, monthName)

Constructs Mevarchim haChodesh event

dateHDateHebrew date event occurs
monthNamestringHebrew month name (not translated)

mevarchimChodeshEvent.basename() ⇒ string

Kind: instance method of MevarchimChodeshEvent

mevarchimChodeshEvent.render([locale]) ⇒ string

Returns (translated) description of this event

Kind: instance method of MevarchimChodeshEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).


A program of daily learning in which participants study two Mishnahs each day in order to finish the entire Mishnah in ~6 years.

Kind: global class

new MishnaYomiIndex()

Initializes a Mishna Yomi instance

mishnaYomiIndex.days : Array.<MishnaYomi>

Kind: instance property of MishnaYomiIndex

mishnaYomiIndex.lookup(date) ⇒ Array.<MishnaYomi>

Looks up a Mishna Yomi

Kind: instance method of MishnaYomiIndex

dateDate | HDate | numberGregorian date


Event wrapper around a Mishna Yomi instance

Kind: global class

new MishnaYomiEvent(date, mishnaYomi)


mishnaYomiEvent.render([locale]) ⇒ string

Returns Mishna Yomi name (e.g. "Bava Metzia 10:5-6" or "Berakhot 9:5-Peah 1:1").

Kind: instance method of MishnaYomiEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).

mishnaYomiEvent.url() ⇒ string

Returns a link to

Kind: instance method of MishnaYomiEvent


A daily regimen of learning the books of Nevi'im (Prophets) and Ketuvim (Writings).

Kind: global class

new NachYomiIndex()

Initializes a Nach Yomi instance

nachYomiIndex.lookup(date) ⇒ NachYomi

Looks up a Mishna Yomi

Kind: instance method of NachYomiIndex

dateDate | HDate | numberGregorian date


Event wrapper around a Nach Yomi instance

Kind: global class

new NachYomiEvent(date, nachYomi)


nachYomiEvent.render([locale]) ⇒ string

Returns name of tractate and page (e.g. "Beitzah 21").

Kind: instance method of NachYomiEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).

nachYomiEvent.url() ⇒ string

Returns a link to

Kind: instance method of NachYomiEvent


Event wrapper around a Yerushalmi Yomi result

Kind: global class

new YerushalmiYomiEvent(date, daf)


yerushalmiYomiEvent.render([locale]) ⇒ string

Returns name of tractate and page (e.g. "Yerushalmi Beitzah 21").

Kind: instance method of YerushalmiYomiEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).

yerushalmiYomiEvent.renderBrief([locale]) ⇒ string

Returns name of tractate and page (e.g. "Beitzah 21").

Kind: instance method of YerushalmiYomiEvent

[locale]stringOptional locale name (defaults to active locale).

yerushalmiYomiEvent.url() ⇒ string

Returns a link to

Kind: instance method of YerushalmiYomiEvent


HebrewCalendar is the main interface to the @hebcal/core library. This namespace is used to calculate holidays, rosh chodesh, candle lighting & havdalah times, Parashat HaShavua, Daf Yomi, days of the omer, and the molad. Event names can be rendered in several languges using the locale option.

Kind: global class

HebrewCalendar.calendar([options]) ⇒ Array.<Event>

Calculates holidays and other Hebrew calendar events based on CalOptions.

Each holiday is represented by an Event object which includes a date, a description, flags and optional attributes. If given no options, returns holidays for the Diaspora for the current Gregorian year.

The date range returned by this function can be controlled by:

  • options.year - Gregorian (e.g. 1993) or Hebrew year (e.g. 5749)
  • options.isHebrewYear - to interpret year as Hebrew year
  • options.numYears - generate calendar for multiple years (default 1)
  • options.month - Gregorian or Hebrew month (to filter results to a single month)

Alternatively, specify start and end days with Date or HDate instances:

  • options.start - use specific start date (requires end date)
  • options.end - use specific end date (requires start date)

Unless options.noHolidays == true, default holidays include:

  • Major holidays - Rosh Hashana, Yom Kippur, Pesach, Sukkot, etc.
  • Minor holidays - Purim, Chanukah, Tu BiShvat, Lag BaOmer, etc.
  • Minor fasts - Ta'anit Esther, Tzom Gedaliah, etc. (unless options.noMinorFast)
  • Special Shabbatot - Shabbat Shekalim, Zachor, etc. (unless options.noSpecialShabbat)
  • Modern Holidays - Yom HaShoah, Yom HaAtzma'ut, etc. (unless options.noModern)
  • Rosh Chodesh (unless options.noRoshChodesh)

Holiday and Torah reading schedules differ between Israel and the Disapora. Set to use the Israeli schedule.

Additional non-default event types can be specified:

  • Parashat HaShavua - weekly Torah Reading on Saturdays (options.sedrot)
  • Counting of the Omer (options.omer)
  • Babylonian Talmud Daf Yomi (options.dafyomi)
  • Jerusalem Talmud (Yerushalmi) Yomi (options.yerushalmi)
  • Mishna Yomi (options.mishnaYomi)
  • Nach Yomi (options.nachYomi)
  • Shabbat Mevarchim HaChodesh on Saturday before Rosh Chodesh (options.shabbatMevarchim)
  • Molad announcement on Saturday before Rosh Chodesh (options.molad)
  • Yom Kippur Katan (options.yomKippurKatan)

Candle-lighting and Havdalah times are approximated using latitude and longitude specified by the Location class. The Location class contains a small database of cities with their associated geographic information and time-zone information. If you ever have any doubts about Hebcal's times, consult your local halachic authority. If you enter geographic coordinates above the arctic circle or antarctic circle, the times are guaranteed to be wrong.

To add candle-lighting options, set options.candlelighting=true and set options.location to an instance of Location. By default, candle lighting time is 18 minutes before sundown (40 minutes for Jerusalem, 30 minutes for Haifa and Zikhron Ya'akov) and Havdalah is calculated according to Tzeit Hakochavim - Nightfall (the point when 3 small stars are observable in the night time sky with the naked eye). The default Havdalah option (Tzeit Hakochavim) is calculated when the sun is 8.5° below the horizon. These defaults can be changed using these options:

  • options.candleLightingMins - minutes before sundown to light candles
  • options.havdalahMins - minutes after sundown for Havdalah (typical values are 42, 50, or 72). Havdalah times are supressed when options.havdalahMins=0.
  • options.havdalahDeg - degrees for solar depression for Havdalah. Default is 8.5 degrees for 3 small stars. Use 7.083 degress for 3 medium-sized stars. Havdalah times are supressed when options.havdalahDeg=0.

If both options.candlelighting=true and options.location is specified, Chanukah candle-lighting times and minor fast start/end times will also be generated. Chanukah candle-lighting is at dusk (when the sun is 6.0° below the horizon in the evening) on weekdays, at regular candle-lighting time on Fridays, and at regular Havdalah time on Saturday night (see above).

Minor fasts begin at Alot HaShachar (sun is 16.1° below the horizon in the morning) and end when 3 medium-sized stars are observable in the night sky (sun is 7.083° below the horizon in the evening).

Two options also exist for generating an Event with the Hebrew date:

  • options.addHebrewDates - print the Hebrew date for the entire date range
  • options.addHebrewDatesForEvents - print the Hebrew date for dates with some events

Lastly, translation and transliteration of event titles is controlled by options.locale and the Locale API. @hebcal/core supports three locales by default:

  • en - default, Sephardic transliterations (e.g. "Shabbat")
  • ashkenazi - Ashkenazi transliterations (e.g. "Shabbos")
  • he - Hebrew (e.g. "שַׁבָּת")

Additional locales (such as ru or fr) are supported by the @hebcal/locales package

Kind: static method of HebrewCalendar



import {HebrewCalendar, HDate, Location, Event} from '@hebcal/core';
const options = {
  year: 1981,
  isHebrewYear: false,
  candlelighting: true,
  location: Location.lookup('San Francisco'),
  sedrot: true,
  omer: true,
const events = HebrewCalendar.calendar(options);
for (const ev of events) {
  const hd = ev.getDate();
  const date = hd.greg();
  console.log(date.toLocaleDateString(), ev.render('en'), hd.toString());

HebrewCalendar.getBirthdayOrAnniversary(hyear, gdate) ⇒ HDate

Calculates a birthday or anniversary (non-yahrzeit). hyear must be after original gdate of anniversary. Returns undefined when requested year preceeds or is same as original year.

Hebcal uses the algorithm defined in "Calendrical Calculations" by Edward M. Reingold and Nachum Dershowitz.

The birthday of someone born in Adar of an ordinary year or Adar II of a leap year is also always in the last month of the year, be that Adar or Adar II. The birthday in an ordinary year of someone born during the first 29 days of Adar I in a leap year is on the corresponding day of Adar; in a leap year, the birthday occurs in Adar I, as expected.

Someone born on the thirtieth day of Marcheshvan, Kislev, or Adar I has his birthday postponed until the first of the following month in years where that day does not occur. [Calendrical Calculations p. 111]

Kind: static method of HebrewCalendar
Returns: HDate - anniversary occurring in hyear

hyearnumberHebrew year
gdateDate | HDateGregorian or Hebrew date of event


import {HebrewCalendar} from '@hebcal/core';
const dt = new Date(2014, 2, 2); // '2014-03-02' == '30 Adar I 5774'
const hd = HebrewCalendar.getBirthdayOrAnniversary(5780, dt); // '1 Nisan 5780'
console.log(hd.greg().toLocaleDateString('en-US')); // '3/26/2020'

HebrewCalendar.getYahrzeit(hyear, gdate) ⇒ HDate

Calculates yahrzeit. hyear must be after original gdate of death. Returns undefined when requested year preceeds or is same as original year.

Hebcal uses the algorithm defined in "Calendrical Calculations" by Edward M. Reingold and Nachum Dershowitz.

The customary anniversary date of a death is more complicated and depends also on the character of the year in which the first anniversary occurs. There are several cases:

  • If the date of death is Marcheshvan 30, the anniversary in general depends on the first anniversary; if that first anniversary was not Marcheshvan 30, use the day before Kislev 1.
  • If the date of death is Kislev 30, the anniversary in general again depends on the first anniversary — if that was not Kislev 30, use the day before Tevet 1.
  • If the date of death is Adar II, the anniversary is the same day in the last month of the Hebrew year (Adar or Adar II).
  • If the date of death is Adar I 30, the anniversary in a Hebrew year that is not a leap year (in which Adar only has 29 days) is the last day in Shevat.
  • In all other cases, use the normal (that is, same month number) anniversary of the date of death. [Calendrical Calculations p. 113]

Kind: static method of HebrewCalendar
Returns: HDate - anniversary occurring in hyear

hyearnumberHebrew year
gdateDate | HDateGregorian or Hebrew date of death


import {HebrewCalendar} from '@hebcal/core';
const dt = new Date(2014, 2, 2); // '2014-03-02' == '30 Adar I 5774'
const hd = HebrewCalendar.getYahrzeit(5780, dt); // '30 Sh\'vat 5780'
console.log(hd.greg().toLocaleDateString('en-US')); // '2/25/2020'

HebrewCalendar.getHolidaysForYear(year) ⇒ Map.<string, Array.<Event>>

Lower-level holidays interface, which returns a Map of Events indexed by HDate.toString(). These events must filtered especially for flags.IL_ONLY or flags.CHUL_ONLY depending on Israel vs. Diaspora holiday scheme.

Kind: static method of HebrewCalendar

yearnumberHebrew year

HebrewCalendar.getHolidaysForYearArray(year, il) ⇒ Array.<Event>

Returns an array of holidays for the year

Kind: static method of HebrewCalendar

yearnumberHebrew year
ilbooleanuse the Israeli schedule for holidays

HebrewCalendar.getHolidaysOnDate(date, [il]) ⇒ Array.<Event>

Returns an array of Events on this date (or undefined if no events)

Kind: static method of HebrewCalendar

dateHDate | Date | numberHebrew Date, Gregorian date, or absolute R.D. day number
[il]booleanuse the Israeli schedule for holidays

HebrewCalendar.reformatTimeStr(timeStr, suffix, options) ⇒ string

Helper function to format a 23-hour (00:00-23:59) time in US format ("8:13pm") or keep as "20:13" for any other locale/country. Uses CalOptions to determine locale. If options.hour12 is false, locale is ignored and always returns 24-hour time. If options.hour12 is true, locale is ignored and always returns 12-hour time.

Kind: static method of HebrewCalendar

timeStrstringoriginal time like "20:30"
suffixstring"p" or "pm" or " P.M.". Add leading space if you want it

HebrewCalendar.version() ⇒ string

Kind: static method of HebrewCalendar

HebrewCalendar.getSedra(hyear, il) ⇒ Sedra

Convenience function to create an instance of Sedra or reuse a previously created and cached instance.

Kind: static method of HebrewCalendar


HebrewCalendar.hallel(hdate, il) ⇒ number

Return a number containing information on what Hallel is said on that day.

Whole Hallel is said on Chanukah, the first Yom Tov of Pesach, Shavuot, Sukkot, Yom Ha'atzmaut, and Yom Yerushalayim.

Half Hallel is said on Rosh Chodesh (not Rosh Hashanah), and the last 6 days of Pesach.

The number is one of the following values:

0 - No Hallel 1 - Half Hallel 2 - Whole Hallel

Kind: static method of HebrewCalendar


HebrewCalendar.tachanun(hdate, il) ⇒ TachanunResult

Return details on what Tachanun (or Tzidchatcha on Shabbat) is said on hdate.

Tachanun is not said on Rosh Chodesh, the month of Nisan, Lag Baomer, Rosh Chodesh Sivan until Isru Chag, Tisha B'av, 15 Av, Erev Rosh Hashanah, Rosh Hashanah, Erev Yom Kippur until after Simchat Torah, Chanukah, Tu B'shvat, Purim and Shushan Purim, and Purim and Shushan Purim Katan.

In some congregations Tachanun is not said until from Rosh Chodesh Sivan until 14th Sivan, Sukkot until after Rosh Chodesh Cheshvan, Pesach Sheini, Yom Ha'atzmaut, and Yom Yerushalayim.

Tachanun is not said at Mincha on days before it is not said at Shacharit.

Tachanun is not said at Shacharit on Shabbat, but is at Mincha, usually.

Kind: static method of HebrewCalendar


months : enum

Hebrew months of the year (NISAN=1, TISHREI=7)

Kind: global enum
Read only: true

NISANnumber1Nissan / ניסן
IYYARnumber2Iyyar / אייר
SIVANnumber3Sivan / סיון
TAMUZnumber4Tamuz (sometimes Tammuz) / תמוז
AVnumber5Av / אב
ELULnumber6Elul / אלול
TISHREInumber7Tishrei / תִשְׁרֵי
CHESHVANnumber8Cheshvan / חשון
KISLEVnumber9Kislev / כסלו
TEVETnumber10Tevet / טבת
SHVATnumber11Sh'vat / שבט
ADAR_Inumber12Adar or Adar Rishon / אדר
ADAR_IInumber13Adar Sheini (only on leap years) / אדר ב׳

flags : enum

Holiday flags for Event

Kind: global enum
Read only: true

CHAGnumber1Chag, yontiff, yom tov
LIGHT_CANDLESnumber2Light candles 18 minutes before sundown
YOM_TOV_ENDSnumber4End of holiday (end of Yom Tov)
CHUL_ONLYnumber8Observed only in the Diaspora (chutz l'aretz)
IL_ONLYnumber16Observed only in Israel
LIGHT_CANDLES_TZEISnumber32Light candles in the evening at Tzeit time (3 small stars)
CHANUKAH_CANDLESnumber64Candle-lighting for Chanukah
ROSH_CHODESHnumber128Rosh Chodesh, beginning of a new Hebrew month
MINOR_FASTnumber256Minor fasts like Tzom Tammuz, Ta'anit Esther, ...
SPECIAL_SHABBATnumber512Shabbat Shekalim, Zachor, ...
PARSHA_HASHAVUAnumber1024Weekly sedrot on Saturdays
DAF_YOMInumber2048Daily page of Talmud (Bavli)
OMER_COUNTnumber4096Days of the Omer
MODERN_HOLIDAYnumber8192Yom HaShoah, Yom HaAtzma'ut, ...
MAJOR_FASTnumber16384Yom Kippur and Tish'a B'Av
SHABBAT_MEVARCHIMnumber32768On the Saturday before Rosh Chodesh
USER_EVENTnumber131072Yahrzeit or Hebrew Anniversary
HEBREW_DATEnumber262144Daily Hebrew date ("11th of Sivan, 5780")
MINOR_HOLIDAYnumber524288A holiday that's not major, modern, rosh chodesh, or a fast day
EREVnumber1048576Evening before a major or minor holiday
CHOL_HAMOEDnumber2097152Chol haMoed, intermediate days of Pesach or Sukkot
MISHNA_YOMInumber4194304Mishna Yomi
YOM_KIPPUR_KATANnumber8388608Yom Kippur Katan, minor day of atonement on the day preceeding each Rosh Chodesh
YERUSHALMI_YOMInumber16777216Daily page of Jerusalem Talmud (Yerushalmi)
NACH_YOMInumber33554432Nach Yomi


Gregorian date helper functions.

Kind: global constant

greg.monthNames : Array.<string>

Long names of the Gregorian months (1='January', 12='December')

Kind: static property of greg
Read only: true

greg.isLeapYear(year) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if the Gregorian year is a leap year

Kind: static method of greg

yearnumberGregorian year

greg.daysInMonth(month, year) ⇒ number

Number of days in the Gregorian month for given year

Kind: static method of greg

monthnumberGregorian month (1=January, 12=December)
yearnumberGregorian year

greg.isDate(obj) ⇒ boolean

Returns true if the object is a Javascript Date

Kind: static method of greg


greg.dayOfYear(date) ⇒ number


Returns number of days since January 1 of that year

Kind: static method of greg

dateDateGregorian date

greg.greg2abs(date) ⇒ number

Converts Gregorian date to absolute R.D. (Rata Die) days

Kind: static method of greg

dateDateGregorian date

greg.abs2greg(theDate) ⇒ Date

Converts from Rata Die (R.D. number) to Gregorian date. See the footnote on page 384 of ``Calendrical Calculations, Part II: Three Historical Calendars'' by E. M. Reingold, N. Dershowitz, and S. M. Clamen, Software--Practice and Experience, Volume 23, Number 4 (April, 1993), pages 383-404 for an explanation.

Kind: static method of greg

theDatenumberR.D. number of days

parshiot : Array.<string>

The 54 parshiyot of the Torah as transilterated strings parshiot[0] == 'Bereshit', parshiot[1] == 'Noach', parshiot[53] == "Ha'Azinu".

Kind: global constant
Read only: true


Yerushalmi Yomi configuration for Vilna Edition

Kind: global constant
Read only: true


Yerushalmi Yomi configuration for Schottenstein Edition

Kind: global constant
Read only: true

gematriya(number) ⇒ string

Converts a numerical value to a string of Hebrew letters.

When specifying years of the Hebrew calendar in the present millennium, we omit the thousands (which is presently 5 [ה]).

Kind: global function



gematriya(5774) // 'תשע״ד' - cropped to 774
gematriya(25) // 'כ״ה'
gematriya(60) // 'ס׳'
gematriya(3761) // 'ג׳תשס״א'
gematriya(1123) // 'א׳קכ״ג'

yerushalmiYomi(date, config) ⇒ any

Using the Vilna edition, the Yerushalmi Daf Yomi program takes ~4.25 years or 51 months. Unlike the Daf Yomi Bavli cycle, this Yerushalmi cycle skips both Yom Kippur and Tisha B'Av (returning null). The page numbers are according to the Vilna Edition which is used since 1900.

The Schottenstein edition uses different page numbers and takes ~6 years to complete.

Throws an exception if the date is before Daf Yomi Yerushalmi cycle began (2 February 1980 for Vilna, 14 November 2022 for Schottenstein).

Kind: global function

dateHDate | Date | numberHebrew or Gregorian date
configanyeither vilna or schottenstein

ZmanimTimesResult : Object

Kind: global typedef


SedraResult : Object

Result of Sedra.lookup

Kind: global typedef

parshaArray.<string>Name of the parsha (or parshiyot) read on Hebrew date, e.g. ['Noach'] or ['Matot', 'Masei']
chagbooleanTrue if this is a regular parasha HaShavua Torah reading, false if it's a special holiday reading
numnumber | Array.<number>the parsha number (or numbers) using 1-indexing. A number for a regular (single) parsha, and a number[] for a doubled parsha. For Parashat Bereshit, num would be equal to 1, and for Matot-Masei it would be [42, 43]

MishnaYomi : Object

Describes a mishna to be read

Kind: global typedef

kstringtractate name in Sephardic transliteration (e.g. "Berakhot", "Moed Katan")
vstringverse (e.g. "2:1")

NachYomi : Object

Describes a chapter to be read

Kind: global typedef

kstringbook name in Sephardic transliteration (e.g. "Berakhot", "Moed Katan")
vnumberchapter (e.g. "2:1")

CalOptions : Object

Options to configure which events are returned

Kind: global typedef

locationLocationlatitude/longitude/tzid used for candle-lighting
yearnumberGregorian or Hebrew year
isHebrewYearbooleanto interpret year as Hebrew year
monthnumberGregorian or Hebrew month (to filter results to a single month)
numYearsnumbergenerate calendar for multiple years (default 1)
startDate | HDate | numberuse specific start date (requires end date)
endDate | HDate | numberuse specific end date (requires start date)
candlelightingbooleancalculate candle-lighting and havdalah times
candleLightingMinsnumberminutes before sundown to light candles (default 18)
havdalahMinsnumberminutes after sundown for Havdalah (typical values are 42, 50, or 72). If undefined (the default), calculate Havdalah according to Tzeit Hakochavim - Nightfall (the point when 3 small stars are observable in the night time sky with the naked eye). If 0, Havdalah times are supressed.
havdalahDegnumberdegrees for solar depression for Havdalah. Default is 8.5 degrees for 3 small stars. use 7.083 degress for 3 medium-sized stars. If 0, Havdalah times are supressed.
sedrotbooleancalculate parashah hashavua on Saturdays
ilbooleanIsraeli holiday and sedra schedule
noMinorFastbooleansuppress minor fasts
noModernbooleansuppress modern holidays
noRoshChodeshbooleansuppress Rosh Chodesh
shabbatMevarchimbooleanadd Shabbat Mevarchim
noSpecialShabbatbooleansuppress Special Shabbat
noHolidaysbooleansuppress regular holidays
dafyomibooleanBabylonian Talmud Daf Yomi
yerushalmibooleanJerusalem Talmud (Yerushalmi) Yomi
yerushalmiEditionnumberUse 1 for Vilna, 2 for Schottenstein
mishnaYomibooleaninclude Mishna Yomi
nachYomibooleaninclude Nach Yomi
omerbooleaninclude Days of the Omer
moladbooleaninclude event announcing the molad
ashkenazibooleanuse Ashkenazi transliterations for event titles (default Sephardi transliterations)
localestringtranslate event titles according to a locale Default value is en, also built-in are he and ashkenazi. Additional locales (such as ru or fr) are provided by the @hebcal/locales package
addHebrewDatesbooleanprint the Hebrew date for the entire date range
addHebrewDatesForEventsbooleanprint the Hebrew date for dates with some events
masknumberuse bitmask from flags to filter events
yomKippurKatanbooleaninclude Yom Kippur Katan (default false). יוֹם כִּפּוּר קָטָן is a minor day of atonement occurring monthly on the day preceeding each Rosh Chodesh. Yom Kippur Katan is omitted in Elul (on the day before Rosh Hashanah), Tishrei (Yom Kippur has just passed), Kislev (due to Chanukah) and Nisan (fasting not permitted during Nisan). When Rosh Chodesh occurs on Shabbat or Sunday, Yom Kippur Katan is observed on the preceding Thursday. See Wikipedia Yom Kippur Katan practices
hour12booleanWhether to use 12-hour time (as opposed to 24-hour time). Possible values are true and false; the default is locale dependent.

TachanunResult : Object

Kind: global typedef

shacharitbooleanTachanun is said at Shacharit
minchabooleanTachanun is said at Mincha
allCongsbooleanAll congregations say Tachanun on the day



Package last updated on 13 Mar 2023

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